
是次研討會共設5場小組報告,共發表約20篇論文。研討會首日上午將有4場主題發言,分別由《世界語文學》主編、美國普林斯頓大學的埃爾曼教授(Benjamin A. Elman),《劍橋中國上古史》主編、美國芝加哥大學的夏含夷教授(Edward L. Shaughnessy),劍橋中國上古史》合著者、美國芝加哥大學的夏德安教授(Donald Harper),以及教育部簡牘整理研究項目首席專家、武漢大學的陳偉教授作專題報告。



The Inaugural International Conference on New Philology and the Study of Early China will be held today (20 June) at the University of Macau (UM). More than 20 experts and scholars from France, the United States, Japan, South Korea, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan will explore how to define and practice a new philology for the interpretation of early Chinese texts and the historical, intellectual, and cultural meaning implied in these texts. A total of 20 papers will be presented in five sessions at the conference. Four keynote speeches will be delivered in the morning session on the first day of the event. The conference is co-organised by UM, Wuhan University, the City University of Hong Kong, and the University of Florida.

The conference will be held at the Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21), UM. It will be conducted in Mandarin, English, and Japanese. All are welcome. For more information, please visit here. For enquiry, please call 8822 4768.