
Department of Chinese Language and Literature

14January, 2019

Confucius Institute to hold exhibition titled ‘Fusion of Chinese and Portuguese Cultural Horizons in the Painting’

2019-01-14|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

A calligraphy and painting exhibition titled ‘The Fusion of the Chinese and Portuguese Cultural Horizons in the Painting’, co-organised by the University of Macau (UM) Confucius Institute and the Macau Orient Painting and Calligraphy Association, will be held in the UM Wu Yee Sun Library from 16 Janu ...

2January, 2019

Department of Chinese Language and Literature student wins third prize at national inter-varsity public speaking contest on national defense

2019-01-02|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

Li Zhikang, a third-year student from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau (UM), recently won a third prize at the ‘Love Our National Defense’ national inter-varsity public speaking contest. Li was the only contestant from Hong Kong an ...

27December, 2018

Department of Chinese Language and Literature Professor Tang Keng Pan is selected into Guangdong Provincial Situation Experts Database

2018-12-27|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

Professor Tang Keng Pan (middle) is selected into Guangdong Provincial Situation Experts Database “The Guangdong Provincial Situation Experts Symposium” was ceremoniously held at Huatai Hotel in Guangzhou by Chorography Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province the other day. One of the ...

18December, 2018

Opportunities and Challenges for Cultivating Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual professionals: Chinese Language and Cultural Education

2018-12-18|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

A seminar on bilingual teaching and training between China and Portuguese-speaking countries was recently held at the University of Macau (UM) on Dec 7- 8th , 2018. The event was co-organized by UM and the Permanent Secretariat of Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese ...

13February, 2015

北京大學中文系陳躍紅加盟澳大 Head of Peking University’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature joins UM

2015-02-13|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

澳門大學人文學院聘北京大學中文系系主任陳躍紅任訪問講座教授,聘任儀式日前舉行,同場更設“漢學與比較文學:學科分野與方法整合——陳躍紅訪問講座教授特別專題研討會”。陳躍紅與到場師生就漢學與比較文學兩種學科領域之間的關聯展開熱烈的討論。 澳大人文學院院長靳洪剛教授向陳躍紅教授頒發了“訪問講座教授”的聘任書,並於致辭中說:“陳躍紅教授的到來能更進一步推進澳大中文系與北京大學中文系的合作關係,並且加強兩校之間更高層次的合作。"陳躍紅教授盛讚澳大中文學科所取得的巨大成就,並對受聘為澳大人文學科的訪問講座教授深感榮幸。 澳大中文系系主任朱壽桐教授介紹,此講席的設立是兩岸四校中文學科合作計劃的一部分,陳躍紅教 ...

8April, 2014


2014-04-08|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

享譽兩岸四地乃至全球華人世界的著名詩人、澳門大學榮譽博士余光中教授,受澳大及澳門基金會邀請以文學藝術界傑出人士駐校計劃作家身份進駐澳大,展開一系列的訪問、講學、交流和寫作活動,推動澳大校園文化發展,活躍澳門的文學藝術氛圍,對提升澳門在漢語世界的文化地位具有重要意義。 余光中教授是次在澳大以《旅遊與文化》為題作了首場講演,吸引眾多師生以及澳門社會各界人士前來參與。澳門基金會行政委員會主席吳志良博士、澳大校長趙偉教授等亦有出席。演講中,余教授以旅遊與文化為切入點,結合其豐富的人生經驗,暢談文明史上的旅行文學及其中的文化情懷。余教授學識淵博、旁徵博引,幽默風趣,贏得在場聽眾的熱烈掌聲,氣氛十分熱烈。在 ...

17July, 2013


2013-07-17|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

中國當代文學界翹楚、澳門大學(澳大)榮譽博士,對漢語新文學世界有極大影響。所著長篇小說《青春萬歲》、《活動變人形》等近百部小說,富於思想的魅力和向上的激情,反映了中國人民在近半個世紀的前進道路上的坎坷歷程,被稱為中國當代社會發展的一面鏡子。他的文學批評和文學研究也卓有創獲,深具影響。王蒙亦曾擔任第12屆、13屆中共中央委員、中華人民共和國文化部長、中國作家協會副主席等。王蒙於2009年獲澳大榮譽博士學位;2012年底,他應邀擔任由澳大和澳門基金會合作的「文學藝術家駐校計劃」首位駐校作家。 2012年,澳門大學(澳大)和澳門基金會合辦「文學藝術家駐校計劃」,首位應邀進駐澳大的駐校作家,就是中國著名 ...

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