
Department of Chinese Language and Literature

24July, 2024

Faculty and Students from Department of Chinese Language and Literature Participated in “Intersections and Interactions: The 4th Cross-Strait Inter-Institutional Chinese Studies Postgraduate Students Research Camp”

2024-07-24|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

The “Intersections and Interactions: The 4th Cross-Strait Inter-Institutional Chinese Studies Postgraduate Students Research Camp” was held in School of Chinese of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) from 2 to 5 July 2024. Faculty and students from the University of Hong Kong, Peking University, Taiwan ...

14August, 2023

Journal of Chinese Linguistics’ 50th Anniversary Symposium on Chinese Linguistics — The Opening Ceremony of the Macao Editorial Office

2023-08-14|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Journal of Chinese Linguistics (JCL), the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Macau held a Symposium on Chinese Linguistics on August 7, 2023. At the same time, the Macao editorial office of the Journal was officially launched. The honorary editor, ...

9June, 2023

UM PhD students win awards in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau postgraduate paper competition

2023-06-09|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

A group photo of the UM delegation Four PhD students in the University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) participated in the Eighth Research Paper Competition of the 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Postgraduate Academic Exchanges in Foreign Languages and Translation Studies. Their pap ...

11March, 2022

Academic Conversation with Professor Martin Kern of Princeton University Successfully Held at UM

2022-03-11|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature organized an academic conversation entitled “Cultural Memory and Early Chinese Civilization” at 8:30 pm on March 1, 2022. Professor Martin Kern of Princeton University and Professor Zhang Yue of University of Macau held a fruitful and constructive ac ...

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