The English Writing and Communication Centre (EWCC)
The English Writing and Communication Centre (EWCC) provides one-on-one writing/speaking consultations and academic workshops for UM students. Come and discuss the paper topic before you start writing. Or, bring your assignment and we can help you brainstorm ideas. You can also come with a draft you’re working on, and we can give you suggestions for improvement. All services provided by EWCC are free to UM students.
Visit EWCC: https://ewcc.elc.um.edu.mo/

English Co-Curricular Activities Committee (ECAC)
The ECAC organizes academic activities to provide opportunities for students to continue their learning outside the classroom. The ECAC aims to support the ELC’s mission to empower students to succeed in their studies and in life by engaging them in English, academic, and global skills learning.
The ECAC is composed of a group of ELC Senior Instructors, Visiting Instructors, and talented Student Ambassadors. Contact us at ECAC_ELC@um.edu.mo.
Click: ECAC to view our gallery.

Independent Learning Resource
Independent Learning Resource at UM Moodle
ELC sets up this Independent learning UMMoodle course to provide English language learning resources, including academic and study skills, four skills practices, grammar and vocabulary, exam preparation, and many other fun games and activities that can be accessed 24/7. All UM members can access the course via their Moodle dashboard.