FAH/DPHIL Lecture Series – “Pluralistic Theism and Religious Syncretism in Southeast Asia” by Prof. Jeremiah Joven Joaquin, De La Salle University, Philippines
2023-10-25 @ 5:30 pm ~ 7:00 pm
Zoom: https://umac.zoom.us/j/98342254152
Password: 930724
Pluralistic Theism is the view that there are different and equally correct conceptions of the divine, and conjoining these varying conceptions need not imply a (logical) contradiction. I show how this view explains the contradictions implied by religious syncretism in Southeast Asia. I then compare and contrast the theoretical merits of this view with those of Ninian Smart’s Philosophy of Worldviews and John Hick’s Religious Pluralism. I conclude that the former view explains the target phenomenon better than the two latter views.
Jeremiah Joven Joaquin is a Professor of Philosophy at De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, where he is also a Founding Fellow of the Southeast Asia Research Center and Hub. He works on philosophical logic, especially its applications to moral philosophy and the philosophy of religion. His latest work explores the application of gappy to glutty logics to issues in philosophical theology.