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Dear Professors and Students,

We are pleased to invite all to attend the Lecture Series Fall 2023 in Translation Studies by Dr. Félix do Carmo, University of Surrey, on 31/08/2023 & 01/09/2023, from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm at room E21a-G016.

Dr. Félix do Carmo

Centre for Translation Studies, School of Literature and Languages, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence (PAI), Future of Work

Professor Félix do Carmo holds a MA in Translation Studies and a PhD in Language Sciences from the University of Porto. He is a Senior Lecturer in Translation and natural Language Processing, working on the application of natural language processing, machine learning, machine translation and assisted translation technologies in translation research, teaching and practice. Before joining the University of Surrey, he spent over 20 years as a translator, reviser, translation company owner, translator trainer, university lecturer and translation conference organiser in Porto, Portugal. In 2017, moved to Ireland, to work for two years as a full-time post-doctoral researcher at the ADAPT Centre in Dublin City University, where he carried out research related to translation technology.

Source: https://www.surrey.ac.uk/people/felix-do-carmo




A importância dos tradutores na era da inteligência artificial

31/08/2023 – 7:00 pm ~ 9:30 pm

O mundo precisa cada vez mais de tradução. Este é um complexo problema social, que não vai ser resolvido apenas com novas tecnologias.

Esta comunicação parte da apresentação de conceitos básicos, que usamos todos os dias mas raramente discutimos, para a reflexão sobre questões complexas que podem determinar o futuro profissional de tradutores e outros linguistas. Com base em estudos que analisam as novas tecnologias de língua, bem como no discurso e práticas da indústria da tradução, apresentarei uma visão crítica que visa criar condições para que novos e futuros profissionais possam responder aos novos desafios. Pelo meio, os participantes terão a oportunidade de contribuir para a discussão, ajudando a ilustrar os conceitos e práticas abordados. Ao longo da apresentação, falarei da tecnologia que está na base dos novos modelos de língua, como o ChatGPT, de tradução automática neuronal e de pós-edição de tradução automática. Concluirei referindo a importância da responsabilidade profissional para um futuro que fomente a real comunicação entre pessoas que falam línguas diferentes



The power of language behind AI

01/09/2023 – 7:00 pm ~ 9:30 pm

A big part of the bafflement with the capacities of ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) has to do with our difficulty in understanding the complexity of language: anything that resembles competent language use is immediately associated with intelligence. In this talk, I will discuss what is language and how it sustains the current wave of AI technology. I will discuss why the power of this technology derives not only from extremely sophisticated and efficient algorithms, but also from the complex structures that exist in language.

Besides this relationship between mathematics and language, I will approach the social and economic effects of the use of current language technologies, by exploring the implications of the use of AI and LLMs in professional settings. This theme will provide room for the discussion of myths about the power of machine translation, the impact of platform and gig business models on knowledge-based professions and, nevertheless, this will allow for a positive outlook on the future of professions that work with language.