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FAH-CPC: Portuguese Culture Course

Centro de Formação dos Trabalhadores dos Serviços Públicos Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpção Nos. 336-342 Centro Comercial Cheng Feng 6° Andar, Sala 609-611, Macao

Course Outline: The course consists of a total of 8 sessions of 2 hours each, and aims to provide an introduction to the ...

FAH-DCLL Academic Seminar: “Quoting of the Shuowen Jiezi in the Explanation of the Shijing by Duan Yuzai’s Shijing Xiaoxue—–A Critical Study” by Prof. Lee Hung Kai 人文學院中國語言文學系學術講座:“段玉裁《詩經小學》 引《說文解字》釋經考”- 李雄溪教授


摘要:段玉裁《詩經小學》為研究《詩經》詞義之著作,當中援引許慎《說文解字》以佐解《經》之處甚多。本文透過分析具體例子,從“細釋詞義”、“說明通假”、“明異體字”、“指出異文”、“引錄籀文”、“明古今字”六方面去說明段氏引《說文解字》釋《詩經 ...

FAH-DCLL Academic Seminar: “Why Chinese doesn’t have a major class of adjectives: A revisit based on new evidence” by Prof. Zhang Min 人文學院中國語言文學系學術講座:“再論漢語沒有獨立形容詞類:從比較證據及內部證據看”- 張敏教授


摘要:在有獨立形容詞類的世界語言裡,形容詞的原型功能是直接作定語(名詞短語裡的修飾語),一般不能直接作謂語(它是動詞的原型功能)(Croft 1991、Hengeveld 1992)。漢語語法學界鑒於動詞、形容詞均可直接作謂語,傳統上將二者 ...