
UM scholar’s history book awarded publication grant by Harvard-Yenching Institute
10 月 29 | 週一

Associate Professor Yang Bin from the Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau (UM), rece ...

UM scholar’s history book awarded publication grant by Harvard-Yenching Institute2021-02-17T17:40:56+08:00
UM professor’s new book receives Academic Excellence Award and Best Book Award
2 月 12 | 週二

A book written by Distinguished Professor Wang Di from the University of Macau (UM) Department of History, namely Viole ...

UM professor’s new book receives Academic Excellence Award and Best Book Award2021-02-17T17:41:03+08:00
UM professor discovers letters that provide new evidence for studies of British India history
2 月 18 | 週一

Joshua Ehrlich, an assistant professor from the University of Macau (UM) Department of History, recently discovered thr ...

UM professor discovers letters that provide new evidence for studies of British India history2021-02-17T17:41:10+08:00
9 月 30 | 週三

歷史學副修課程 正常修業期限: 2-4年 授課語言: 英文為主,中文為輔。 課程目標 為學生提供歷史研究的紮實的基礎和廣泛的知識。 課程特點 提供不同種類課程給學生選擇。 課程設置 課程大綱 畢業要求 要取得副修 ...

9 月 30 | 週三

哲學博士學位(歷史學)課程 正常修業期限: 四年 授課語言: 英文,部分科目可用中文授課 課程目標 培養學生成為研究型學者,為將來的學術生涯做好準備。 課程特點 全校通行的和學院設置的課程,以提高學生的寫作技巧,研究倫理,教 ...

9 月 30 | 週三

文學碩士學位(歷史學)課程 正常修業期限: 兩年 授課語言: 英文,部分指定選修科目以中文授課 課程目標 學生將拓展他們的歷史知識,就某一歷史領域里的主題培養批判性分析、研究並展開論述的能力。最终,學生將會為進一步的學術研究或未 ...

9 月 29 | 週二

文學士學位(歷史學)課程 正常修業期限: 4 年 授課語言: 英文為主,中文為輔 課程目標 若要塑造未來,必先了解過去。學習歷史的學生以多元視角去探索發現我們現今的互相關聯的世界是怎樣形成的。在這一探索過程中,歷史專業的學生要涉 ...

FAH professor appointed member and academic advisor of Association for the Studies of the History and Culture of Macao
11 月 27 | 週三

Prof António Vasconcelos de Saldanha has been appointed member and an academic advisor of the prestigious Association f ...

FAH professor appointed member and academic advisor of Association for the Studies of the History and Culture of Macao2021-02-17T17:36:36+08:00
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