
Department of Chinese Language and Literature

6December, 2021

Academic Conversation with Tsinghua University Professor Haiming Zhang Successfully Held at the University of Macau

2021-12-06|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature organized an academic conversation entitled “The Interaction between Literature and History: A Case Study of the Jing Ke Lore” at 7 pm on November 29, 2021. Professor Haiming Zhang of Tsinghua University and Professor Yue Zhang of University of Macau ...

1December, 2021

Academic Conversation with Rice University Professor Nanxiu Qian Successfully Held at the University of Macau

2021-12-01|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Center for Chinese History and Culture at the University of Macau organized an academic conversation entitled “American Sinology and the Study of Premodern Chinese Literature” at 8:30 pm on November 22, 2021. Professor Nanxiu Qian of Rice Universi ...

22November, 2021

UM scholar wins second prize from international conference on applied writing in Chinese

2021-11-22|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

A group photo Two faculty members and an alumna of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau (UM), received one second prize and two third prizes from the 15th International Conference on Applied Writing in Chinese. The second prize went to ...

20September, 2021


2021-09-20|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

在近日舉行的廣東省委、省政府召開的廣東省慶祝2021年教師節暨表彰優秀教師大會上,來自韓山師範學院的劉文菊教授榮獲“南粵優秀教師”稱號。劉文菊1968年生於湖北,澳門大學中文系2020屆博士畢業生,師從楊義教授和朱壽桐教授,現為韓山師範學院文學與新聞傳播學院中國現代文學教授。劉文菊堅守理想,終身學習,不斷超越自己。在2014年晉升教授之後,於2016年進入澳門大學中文系學習,2020年獲得哲學博士學位(文學-中文)。劉文菊從教31年來,在教學工作中,愛崗敬業,勤教力學,為人師表,師德優良,受到廣大師生一致好評,曾獲優秀國家級普通話測試員、潮州市三八紅旗手等稱號。主持“嶺東紅色文化傳承”“潮州歌冊 ...

16August, 2021

“Literature and the Construction of National Image:The 14th International Conference on Ci-fu”, successfully hosted by FAH, University of Macau

2021-08-16|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

Department of Chinese Language and Literature (FAH, UM), in conjunction with China Ci-fu Studies Association, held a high-caliber academic gathering, “Literature and the Construction of National Image:The 14th International Conference on Ci-fu”, from Aug 8th to 10th, 2021. More than 120 scholars and ...

11May, 2021

University of Hong Kong Professor Isaac Yue’s Lecture on Chinese Literature Held at UM

2021-05-11|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the University of Macau held a guest lecture entitled “Civility, Bestiality, and the Demonic: The Developmental History of Sun Wukong and the Changing Reception of Foreignness during the Song-Yuan-Ming Transition” at 10:00 am on May 6, 2021. Profes ...

29December, 2020

Professor Shan Li of Beijing Normal University Visited UM’s Chinese Department

2020-12-29|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

On December 11th 2020, Professor Shan Li, Deputy Director of the Research and Communication Center for Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture of Beijing Normal University, visited the Department of Chinese Language and Literature (DCLL) of the University of Macau (UM). Professor Yue Zhang of DCLL acco ...

23December, 2020

The “Chinese Literary Studies in the Horizon of the Third Eye” Conference Held at UM

2020-12-23|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

The “Chinese Literary Studies in the Horizon of the Third Eye” Conference, organized by Professor Yue Zhang of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature (DCLL), was successfully held at UM on December 13th, 2020. The guests at the conference included Interim Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Hu ...

29October, 2020

Harvard University Professor Xiaofei Tian’s Sinology Lecture Held at UM

2020-10-29|Department of Chinese Language and Literature, News|

Harvard University Professor Xiaofei Tian’s Sinology Lecture Held at UM The Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the University of Macau held a guest lecture entitled “Recent Development of Sinology Studies on Six Dynasties Literature” at 8:30 p.m. on October 27, 2020. Professor Xiaofei T ...

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