
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

21October, 2019

Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme hosts Conference on “Philosophy of Gambling”

2019-10-21|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

On October 18-19, the Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme hosted the international conference “Philosophy of Gambling” in collaboration with UM’s Department of Communication and the Alberta Gambling Research Institute in Canada. 12 scholars from Asia, Australia, Europe and North America reflec ...

24September, 2019

20th Century Philosophy in Macau: Visiting of Prof. Walter Schweidler in UM

2019-09-24|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

Visiting of Prof. Walter Schweidler in UM Phenomenologist and political philosopher, Prof. Walter Schweidler, paid a visit to University of Macau (UM) from Sep 17 to 19. He has given a talk and a conversation with faculties and researchers at UM. Walter Schweidler is chair professor of Catholic Unive ...

5June, 2019

Prof. Hans-Georg Moeller from the Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme receives Best Essay Award

2019-06-05|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

Prof. Hans-Georg Moeller receives the “2018 Dao Best Essay Award” together with Paul J. D’Ambrosio (East China Normal University) and Hans-Rudolf Kantor (Huafan University) for their article “Incongruent Names: A Theme in the History of Chinese Philosophy.” Prof. D’Ambrosio’s has been a UM Macau Dist ...

30January, 2019

Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme PhD student Daniel Sarafinas wins second prize at writing competition

2019-01-30|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

Daniel Sarafinas presents his paper at the conference Daniel Sarafinas, a PhD student in the Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme at the University of Macau (UM), received a second prize at a writing competition on traditional Chinese culture and health-related topics, at a conference hosted by ...

25September, 2017

UM-RCF Philosophy Café returns, first session on Confucius

2017-09-25|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

The University of Macau (UM) Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme and the Rui Cunha Foundation (RCF) will collaborate again to hold the Philosophy Café, which is a series of philosophical conversations. The first session, titled ‘Do We Need Confucius in the World Today?’, will take place on 26 ...

12May, 2017

The Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme hosts Symposium on Chinese Philosophy

2017-05-12|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

The Singapore-Hong Kong-Macau Symposium on Chinese Philosophy 2017 was held at the University of Macau on April 21-22, 2017. This annual symposium is co-organized by the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist Universi ...

21September, 2016

The Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme hosts International Conference on Critical and Systems Theory

2016-09-21|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

On September 16-17, the Philosophy and Religious Studies Programme successfully hosted the international conference “Contemporary Perspectives on Critical and Systems Theory”. 14 scholars from Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin and North America established a constructive dialogue between those theories ...

21June, 2016

海內外專家聚首澳大探討“新語文學” UM holds international conference on new philology and the study of early China

2016-06-21|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

一眾海內外專家學者今(20)日聚首澳門大學,參與由澳大、武漢大學、香港城市大學和美國佛羅里達大學合辦的“首屆新語文學與早期中國研究國際研討會”,共同重新探尋和實踐有關早期中國文本,包括傳世經典著作和新出土文獻的解讀方法,並提出了“新語文學”的概念。 會上,澳大校長顧問兼澳門研究中心研究總監柳智毅博士代表澳大校長趙偉教授致辭時表示,是次研討會通過綜合運用古今中外的理論對學術方法進行創新,甚符合澳門這座東西方文化交流碰撞、古典與現代水乳交融、傳統與創新並駕齊驅的多元城市的文化性格,是澳大孜孜以求的學術境界。澳大人文學院院長靳洪剛教授指出,這次會議能給澳大的人文基礎學科帶來新的發展動力,並向與會學者介 ...

20June, 2016

首屆新語文學與早期中國研究國際研討會今日澳大舉行 UM to hold international conference on new philology and the study of early China today

2016-06-20|Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, News|

由澳門大學、武漢大學、香港城市大學和美國佛羅里達大學合辦的“首屆新語文學與早期中國研究國際研討會”將於今(20)日在澳大舉行,吸引20多名來自法國、美國、日本、韓國、中國內地、香港、澳門和台灣等國家和地區的專家學者參與,就尋找、設計和實踐一種適合解讀早期中國文本(包括傳世經典著作和新出土文獻)的綜合性學科方法進行探討,以闡釋蘊含其中的歷史、思想、宗教、文學等意義。 是次研討會共設5場小組報告,共發表約20篇論文。研討會首日上午將有4場主題發言,分別由《世界語文學》主編、美國普林斯頓大學的埃爾曼教授(Benjamin A. Elman),《劍橋中國上古史》主編、美國芝加哥大學的夏含夷教授(Edwa ...

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