UM receives book donation from renowned poet Fu Tianhong
Yonghua Song(1st from right) and Fu Tianhong (2nd from right) Fu Tianhong (1st from right) and Zhu Shoutong (2nd from right) Fu Tianhong, a renowned poet, writer, collector, and publisher, recently donated his collection of books and documents to the University of Macau (UM) to support the work of th ...
Harvard University Professor Xiaofei Tian’s Sinology Lecture Held at UM
Harvard University Professor Xiaofei Tian’s Sinology Lecture Held at UM The Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the University of Macau held a guest lecture entitled “Recent Development of Sinology Studies on Six Dynasties Literature” at 8:30 p.m. on October 27, 2020. Professor Xiaofei T ...
UM releases results of survey on Macao students’ knowledge of Chinese history and culture
UM has released the results of the 2019 Chinese History and Culture Cognition Index Survey for Primary and Secondary School Students in Macao The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Chinese History and Culture today (23 September) held an event to release the results of the 2019 Chinese History and C ...
UM holds international symposium on pre-Tang literature
UM holds international symposium on pre-Tang literature The Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Macau (UM) has recently held a two-day international symposium on pre-Tang literature and culture. Scholars from well-known institutions ...
FAH-CCHC student of UM Lin Longping receives award for the Story-Writing Competition “Memorable Moments and World Heritage” held by Cultural Affairs Bureau
Award certificate In order to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the inscription of the “Historic Centre of Macao” in the World Heritage List, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from its Portuguese acronym) of Macao SAR held a series of activities in 2020. In May, it took the lead in hosting the “Memora ...
UM Confucius Institute’s 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2019/2020 Mandarin courses have ended successfully
With the final assessment completed on May 14, 2020, the Mandarin courses of the University of Macau (UM) Confucius Institute offered in the 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2019/2020 have ended successfully. A total of 87 students passed the assessment and awarded with a “Certificate of Attendance”, an ...
UM holds international video conference on cultural self-confidence
UM holds international video conference on cultural self-confidence The University of Macau (UM) Research Centre for Humanities in South China and Centre for Chinese History and Culture recently held the Seventh Southern China Humanities Forum, which focused on cultural self-confidence. The event att ...
人文學院學生創作散曲進入大典(Chinese only)
《中國當代散曲大典》是經審定的2016年國家社會科學基金批准的項目,立項之後也是作為國家級的一項科研任務。此項目的意義就在於全面反映新中國的散曲發展面貌。本書收錄1949-2018年間散曲作品,反映了散曲在當代的發展狀況,是瞭解當代散曲全貌的具有權威性的工具書。 澳門大學中國語言文學系四年級學生關文徵創作的《九轉貨郎兒》被收入這部經典型文庫。據瞭解,青年學生中從事詩歌、散文和小說創作者較多,而創作散曲的現象極為鮮見,而創作散曲能被“大典”收錄的更是鳳毛麟角。關文徵自言是在多次參與中國歷史文化中心的戲曲活動受到了啟發和鼓舞,也得到了創作的靈感。關同學還是澳門大學學生會中國戲曲協會創會會長,曾榮獲澳 ...
UM launches new book on cultural study of Chinese Dragon
UM launches a new book on a cultural study of Chinese dragon The University of Macau (UM) today (15 January) held a book launch for a new book titled ‘A Cultural Study of Chinese Dragon’. The book was written by Zheng Dehua, an emeritus professor of UM’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature ...
UM’s South China Quarterly named ‘China’s famous university publication in social sciences’
South China Quarterly South China Quarterly, an academic journal in the fields of humanities and social sciences published by the University of Macau (UM), has been named a ‘Famous University Publication on Social Sciences in China’. Tian Weiping, the journal’s editor-in-chief, has been named an ‘Out ...